Lourdes Health System

Friday, December 8, 2006

Studying Studies

One of the tasks I do often here is read about medical studies. Have you read the latest medical study released in the news today? If you haven’t, don’t worry. Another contradictory one will be out momentarily.

The problem I’ve found with most medical studies I read about is that they deal with specific drugs or devices treating (or not) such a small number of people with a specific condition, you’re not quite sure what to make of the results. Another study of the same drug looking at a slightly different condition could come up with the opposite result. Therefore, within a short period of time, you could have contradictory headlines: “X drug Reduces Cancer Risk” and “X drug Does Nothing for Cancer.”
Which study do you believe? Your guess is as good as mine. Go with doctors (affiliated with major health systems like Lourdes) and treatments you believe will work and hope for the best.

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